April – May 1945 - Arizona Historical Society

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Tucson, Arizona-, APRIL 10, 1945

Issue No. 18

Killed in Action




faster Blessings to you 'Boys and Girls and may aster, 194'6, find you enjoying Peace and Vldory the sunshine of the Old Pueblo.




in the window of Walgreen Pvt. Luis M. Robles, son Drug Store. His sister, Eva, of Mr. and Mrs. J. Robles, and Arthur "Red," an em- 899 Contzen Avenue. He is ployee of the Southern Ari- a former employee of Crystal, zona lBank, also survive. Bottling Works. -V'Pvt. Eddie Diaz, brother of 'I Pfc. Robert Quiroz Fan- Mrs. Lupe Moreno, 832 Car-I chette, husband of Mrs. Aur- men Street, was wounded in I, ort! C. Fanchette, was killed France. He is recovering in a,' in atcion on Iwo Jima. Also hospital in New Mexico. surviving. are his parents andS/Sgt. Adolfo D. Morales, two children and five sisters. husband of Mrs. Ofelia C. Mo-Vrales, 3402 South Liberty , Pfe. John R. BanuAnelos, ~5 Cpl. Cornelius "Corky" Street. I Ion of Mr. and Mrs. tomo Moore, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. . C. Banuelos, San Diego, and Charles S. Moore, 1428 East Pvt. Arthur O. RUIZ,. 26, fQrmer~y of Tucson, •was, Miles Street, was killed in ac- so~ of Mr. and Mrs.. Mana O. Pvt. Gilo Mejias, 21, USMC, , killed In action in Germany.1 tion on March 6 on Iwo Jima. RUIZ, 350 South MaIn Street. was accidentally drowned in John: graduated from Tucson! A graduate of Tucson Hi in Pfc. Joe M. Vasquez, 20, Waimea bay, Oahu, Hawaiian Hi and was employed by the\ May, 1942, "Corky" starred on son of Mr. and Mrs. Dolores islands on Feb. 2, his wife, Tucson Laundry and Dry high sehool's state champion- Vas~uez, 217 El Paso Street. Josephine, 353 South Meyer, Cleaners. ship baseball teams of 1941 He IS a former t:mployee of was notified. Mejias is also sur -Va--and 1942. As a pitcher who the Sonora Furmt~re Co. vived by an infant daughter, was also a heavy hitter, he Pvt. Alfonso O. RIvera! bro- Virginia, and his mother, Mrs. was responsible for many of ther of Edward O. RIvera, ~ereedes Ruelas, formerly of their victories. He attended 490 West 23rd Street. TUcson. the University of Arizona for IPfc. Alejandro A. Trujillo, part of a semester in the fall 812 South Main, was wounded In a letter to Mejias' wife, of 1942. in action in Belgium on Jan- his commanding officer wrote CA8UAI.Il1'II!B . ~V-:uary 11. the accident occured while his By Miss Fresia Huerta company was on a picnic. Lieutenant Philip E. Villa- I ' . . -VThree fellow marines attempescusa, son of Mr. and Mrs., Wounded In Action Pacific Area ted to rescue Mejias, Col. W. Felipe E. Villaescusa, 623 W. Paca wrote but were unNorth 3rd Avenue, and h u s - ' Pfc. Andrew C. Aldaz, Jr. successful in combating a band of Mrs. Keith VillaesEuropean Area son of Andrew C. Alday, Sr. fierce undertow. One marine, cusa, residing in Coloradol Pk Santos H . Mejias, son11403 St. Clair St. Pvt. Hubert L. Fitzpatrick, Springs, Colorado, was killed of Elizandro Mejias 1461 W. lost his own life in the 'atin ,action in Germany. Phil, Delaware. ' Sgt. Elias A. Lopez, son of tempt. graduated from Tucson Mrs. Emilia B. Lopez, 723 , and attended the University 'Pvt. Henry Mendez, hus- South Fremont M .. h h db' of Arizona. He recently sent band of Irene Mendez .and son Pfc. Telesfo;o T., Martin '~Jlas, w 0 a een In some souvenit5 from Germanyl of Mr. and Mrs. JoaquIn Men-I son of Teodoro R. Marin, Hu- serVIce 11 months was a gra!'hieh have been on display. dez, 415 West 36th Street. ron Street. duate of Tucson high school.


Killed in




APBIL 10, 1945




I this paper: los demas sean castigados en! i Members of the Club I This paper may be obtaicartas por esposas y novias, J By Miss Mary Huerta y hay casos que. hasta sened at La Casita Restaurant Latino who pay for (Nick Segura), La Concha March 17, 1945 parac~on~se ha yisto por es~s Drug Store, Reuben's Furnithe Printing of 1.A Little on the Lonely Side ceenClas. Y'! mlS~o 10 he Vlture Store, Arizona Liquor 2. Saturday Night sto entre mlS amlgos y les this '.»aper: Store, Town Shop, Elysian 3. Accentuate the Positive a~eguro .qu~, el soldado no se Grove Grocery, Huerta's Gro4 My Dreams Are Getting slente bIen. -vcery, Rodriguez Tailor Shop. Pfc. Rudy Mendoza-in · Better Martin Drug Store 6th ave 5. More and More Iwo Jima. Very glad to have, P. M.Elias & 22nd St. 6 Rum and Coca Cola heard from you, Rudy; look-, Ronaldol!nias I'm Beginning to See thejed for you in Iwo when ,II Miguel Bustamante BlBTHS Light saw the news, but couldn t, Jacome's -Dept. Store Pvt. and Mrs. Alfred Men8. Sweet Dreams, Sweetheart find you; you did a great job l Carlos ,R-Aprl1 ~. it will be a pleasure to have Santo Har--.:Aprll 4 . . . team spirit in driVing through you visit our club. Alberto Ramlrez-Ap~l1 8 CHATTER is published any kind of weather to dePIc. Johnny Gallaro; some- Alberto Cordova-;Apnl 15 every first and third Sunday'liver the goods to ,advanced where in the Pacific: Okay, Alfred LevYl-~pnl 16. by Spanish-American Mothers' combat stations. we'l keep on giving you the ~anuel C. RodrIguez ~prll 16 and Wives Association, 38 1 -,V,cuuaties. RIcardo Galve~Apnl ~7 North Church Street, Tucson, I ', Pfc. G. L. Granillo, some- Efren L. G.rad.111as-~pnl 21 Arizona. at the expense of the; A double measure of good where in Germany: Quisiera Wal~er QUlhuls-Aprl1.22 Club Latino and' with the' news has come to' Mr. and Loule tener espacio para publica G MFi · .Babasa-AP;111224 cooperation of the Club Gra-I'Mrs. Jesus G. Valenzuela, .. "Mis Pensamientos en Guerra' enar? gueor~Apl.5 ,nada. 1422 South 7th Avenue, with que manda este soldado, pero ~US~lrENCMar(u~ ~fr~ 25 All revenues from the sale the word recently receivedbasta recordarles que la vi-' an , orra - pr.l of this paper are to be used that their son, Pvt. Jesus L. da de un soldado es penosa yFred O. Lucer()-Aprl1 29 exclusively for the erection' Valenzuela, reported missing ~ligrosa. Como dice Granillo: I of a Recreation Center for'in action last November, is a " las novias y esposas creen Birthday 'Reading for Those the Spanish-American soldie-' Ge~man prisoner of war. and que el soldado aqui se manti-! Born March 21 to rs fom Tucson. . I their other so~' Machmist ene besando francesas; son April 19 (Aries) Miss Rose E. RodrIgueZ'- Ma!e 3C Au~ustme Valenzue('contados los que gozan de esaThese people have possibi- Editor \ la, l~ recoyermg fro~ ~ounds dicha, .pero sobra que un sol- lities of becoming great exe- Members of the Club Latino recel~ed m the PacifIC at a .dado 10 hag,a para que todos! cutives and leaders. They' who pay for the printing of hospital on the west coast.







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